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When you visited your dentist for your routine cleaning and exam, you were told that you need to have a “deep cleaning,” which is also referred to as scaling and root planing. But what is a deep cleaning? Our dentist and team at E.G.I. Dental are happy to answer any questions that you may have about deep cleanings.

What Is a Deep Cleaning?
During a regular dental cleaning, or scaling, our hygienist uses a special tool to remove all plaque and tartar from your teeth above and below the gum line. With deep cleaning, in addition to scaling, root planing is performed. The roots are carefully cleaned and smoothed to remove bacteria that cause gum disease. Smoothing the tooth roots also makes it more difficult for harmful bacteria to reattach to them.

What Happens After a Deep Cleaning?
Tooth sensitivity and minimal bleeding is normal for the first few days after treatment. In the next few weeks, your gums should become healthier. Red, inflamed gums become firm and pink again. Bleeding when you brush and floss is reduced, or even eliminated. The pockets between the teeth and gums become smaller. However, these improvements are dependent on you doing your part. You must brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily. Our dentist may also recommend that you use an antibacterial mouthwash.

How Often Do I Need to Have a Deep Cleaning?
To actively treat gum disease, Dr. Warren Cheung may recommend that you visit our office every three months for a deep cleaning. How often you have a deep cleaning may vary based on your specific case. Be aware that we may refer you to a specialist if your gum disease is too advanced to be treated with deep cleanings.

We encourage you to call our dental office at 916-683-1994 today to learn more about deep cleaning in Elk Grove, California, and to schedule a visit.